Sunday, May 1, 2011

First Night In Miami

So, here I am!
I have said my final goodbyes to everyone and have flown alone all the way to Miami, but the reality of my future has yet to set in.

My first flight to Texas went without a hitch. I pulled out my kindle, feeling very elitist with my new gadget. Of course, soon after that, I was put in my place by a woman reading a book on her iPad. On the second flight, I had the good fortune to sit INBETWEEN a mother and father of 3 boys between 2 and 8. They also had an iPad, and were watching Toy Story 3 on it. Kids are very quiet while watching movies, which is nice! Don't let anyone tell you that kids these days are glued to screens because they are born that way. Their parent are using screens as an excuse to get some rest!

I had a minor panic attack about the short layover time (1 hour) and not being able to get the shuttle to my hotel to stop for me, but all in all, the journey was painless. Also, I have already met 3 other volunteers. We sought out a place to have dinner in the neighborhood and were able to test our Spanish skills in a Cuban mom and pop place. Not nearly as good as Los Cubanos, but who am I to judge. We have had a lot to talk about, mostly questions about what might be waiting for us when we actually get to Suriname. Conversations about 'toilet conditions' and 'wearing the native clothes' and 'how many bugs there will be' are going to haunt my dreams tonight.

I hope you all weren't too worried. I have already received the obligatory 'I'm worried' email from mom, but the worst is yet to come, so be strong!

More updates to come!



  1. I thought they spoke Dutch in Suriname. No?

  2. awesome to hear the adventures are underway!!! I'm jealous of the coming adventures and can't wait to hear all about it. Enjoy and learn!

  3. They do speak Dutch in Suriname. I am still in Miami for what is called "Staging." But I'll be in Suriname in one day.

  4. Ah, I see. The testing of your Spanish skills part confused me. Or maybe my brain just wasn't working. Either way, have super awesome fun times!
