Hello all.
I have obviously been a little negligent when it comes to entertaining you all with my blog recently. And I am sorry for that. Unfortunately, when the novelty of living in Suriname wore off for me, it became harder and harder for me to think of appropriate things to talk about in this public space. As I got used to the place, I became more and more occupied with making friends and the drudgery of routine. Thus the most interesting topics for me became some interaction I had with some neighbor, or whether I needed to go do laundry in the river today.
It is safe to say I have spared you all some very uninteresting posts. So, when it comes down to it, I was really doing you all a favor. I'm so generous.
Alas, the time has now come to end this blog. For some weeks now, I have been a RETURNED Peace Corps Volunteer. The last few months were a blur, as I struggled to finish my work and to get as much as I could out of social relationships I had formed. I am proud to say, the construction of the pour-flush toilets did, in the end, get completed. We were awfully close there. I had a goodbye meeting with my villagers, in which we opened the toilets for business. Now it's up to them to keep them up!
My village also threw me a little party. It was very nice of them, and the band that I was a groupie of, Tranga Faya, to hold this party for me. I cried the whole way through it, and was a terrible party guest, but that is what happens when the realization hits that you have invested all of your time and energy into something that is about to end abruptly.
And so, to all you faithful readers, it's been swell. I hope you learned something about Suriname, and I hope you saw some awesome pictures.
Until next time,