Monday, April 25, 2011

My Date of Depature Nears!

I am starting to get really busy with pre-departure activities. I have been buying last-minute things to pack, (try finding a summer dress that goes past the knees...), mom just came home with quick-dry towels and a waterproof bag, and most importantly, I had to learn to cook!

My friend offered me a lesson on simple cooking, which I am very grateful for. I made up a list of vegetables which I hope will be somewhat common in Suriname. In the end, we chose three vegetables: Really long skinny beans, okra, and green lentils.

The beans and okra I should be able to get fresh or grow myself. The green lentils will be used as a source of protein. I am told that I should expect to eat vegetarian (mostly starch) with the occasional bush meat. That's meat from animals hunted in the jungle. So, lentils will be bought in large quantities from the city, and transported to the jungle. Anyways, here's what we cooked:

We couldn't get the type of beans that I would encounter in Suriname, so we just got the normal ones.

Crushed tomatoes
Potato (optional)

I am told that onions are crucial but crushed tomatoes can be forfeited if I don't have them.


Okra was also not available at safeway. Luckily, my friend had some in a jar. We used those, so I hope that fresh ones will be the same.

Crushed tomatoes
Lemon Juice (literally hand-squeezed)

Lemon Juice is crucial in this one, and don't stir too much or the okra breaks and makes everything gooey.

We DID find lentils at the store! Lucky us!

Crushed tomatoes

Lentils need lots of water. Just add water as it cooks to make sure it doesn't burn the bottom of the pan.

Bonus dish: Bread!!!
This one is SO easy! I can't believe people don't do this more often. Also, it's delicious.

Some flour
A teaspoon of salt
A teaspoon of baking soda
Some water (half as much as the flour)

Mix the dough and add flour or water until the dough does not stick to your hands anymore. Flatten the dough and then drop it in a hot pan. Flip often. DONE!

Seriously, cooking was simple! I also learned how to cut an onion, how much oil to put into a pan, and other useful cooking tips.

My test will be on Wednesday, when I have to cook something for my friend without his help. He will come over to taste it. Hopefully all goes well!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hello All!

Hello All!

Welcome to my blog. Over the course of the 2 years that I will be in Suriname, I hope to fill the folks at home in on some of the aspects of life down there.

Specifically, I have promised to document the strange types of food that I will consume, in addition to keeping records of the creatures that I encounter, edible or otherwise.

Don't expect too much, I am not known for my consistency. I have a camera, but somehow it never accompanies me for important events. And then there's the lack of internet...

So, I recommend receiving emails of my blogs, since you never know when I might write again.

I hope you enjoy living vicariously through me!